Building a Website Visually

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Lesson Overview

The success of your website design business depends much on how nice your websites look.

In this lesson, we’ll learn How to Build a Website Visually Using the Divi Visual Builder.

Go to IONOS for Web Hosting

Download WordPress

Download Divi


Lesson Transcription

Welcome! I’m Leighton, your webmaster. Today, we’re going to dive right in and build a web page! Remember, the success of your website design business depends much on how nice your websites look. Why does that matter? Well, would you hire a knowledgable, well-known photographer… if you didn’t like their work? If their portfolio just doesn’t do anything for you?  Why wouldn’t you choose that photographer? Because, as important as the head knowledge and branding are, the end result is what the client is left with. Similarly, your website design business will only be as successful as the design of the websites themselves. That’s what businesses will talk about. Not how fun your logo is. Not how catchy your domain name is. But how good you make them look. 

Structurally, there are several different types of websites you can build with Divi:

  • One-Page
  • Multi-Page
  • eCommerce sites.

The following lessons will explain each type, but for now, let’s focus on designing a single web page. In the previous lesson, we installed a fresh copy of WordPress and the Divi theme. 

Let’s start building!

Demonstrate: New Page > Take Tutorial and Introduce Every Divi Module

There’s a few more elements you’ll encounter beyond just the Visual Builder. Let’s look at Divi Options, Theme Customizer, and the Theme Builder. 

Demonstrate Divi Options

Demonstrate the Theme Customizer

Demonstrate the Theme Builder

So how do we learn more about Divi?

  • If you are a visual learner, there are plenty of courses, tutorials and YouTube videos dedicated to learning Divi.
  • If you are a hands-on learner, like me, just play around with Divi and get comfortable with it! Proficiency and comfort will come with time and experience.
  • Divi is always coming out with new features, so keep up with the Elegant Themes Blog to stay relevant.

However you prefer learning, you need to practice — Consider this: Would you hire an artist who had never picked up a paint brush? Would you hire an architect who doesn’t know how to use CAD software? Would you hire a photographer who doesn’t know how to use Photoshop or Lightroom? What’s the point? Here’s the point: Your success at this business also depends on how comfortable and proficient you are at building a website.

In the following lessons, we’ll learn:

  • How to build a one-page site
  • Multi-page site
  • eCommerce website
  • Mobile-friendly site
  • Where to go for design inspiration
  • What additional software you might use

I’m Leighton, and now you know… how to build a website visually!


Lesson Homework

Research Divi, take a course, watch a tutorial video, play around with Divi yourself, whatever you prefer, start getting comfortable with the software.